Friday, September 16, 2011

Texas: The New East Coast State

I know it's been a couple of months have passed since I last wrote. During that stretch, I've had nothing to say...REALLY!!! That is until now.

I could've said something about the NBA strike. But I've already had my say (sort of). Besides it's like beating a dead horse with a stick so often that PETA would be raising hell. Speaking of PETA, how about writing about Michael Vick. First of all, he did the crime and served his time... move on already!!! Second, Vick has not made the same mistakes since being released from prison 2 years ago. And third, yes I read the article about if Vick would've been white. I'll wait 'til the Super Bowl before I make some comment. At any rate, it's all old news that needs to quit being recycled.

But there has been something happening in Texas that is disturbing. Not one, but two Texas FBS schools are going to east coast conferences. That's right folks, we have TCU going to the Big East and Texas A&M on their way to the SEC (assuming the schools don't pursue litigation). It's really ironic that these two used to be members of the former Southwest Conference. Given the circumstances, it's really not a shock at all. In essence, TCU wants to be a school that automatically qualifies for a BCS bowl. The Aggies are not big fans of the Longhorn Network. Again, not a surprise at all. It's just flat out weird.

Growing up in Texas meant that you were tougher than someone from the east or west coast. Anyone can argue toughness, but I'm from Texas and believe me when I say this... it just is something that is burned in your memory. Not anymore people.

When TCU played in the Rose Bowl earlier this year, it was apparent that the BCS is rigged...AGAIN!!! Yes there were two other undefeated teams in Oregon and Auburn, but they played AQ conferences and go to play for the national championship. TCU is in the Mountain West and they are not an AQ conference. I'll get to that at a later time to say why the Horned Frogs were screwed out of a title. So going to the Big East next school year makes since to a degree.

The Big 12 had already lost 2 schools. Colorado went to the PAC-12, while Nebraska went to the Big Ten. Both of these moves made sense because of the geography. For Texas A&M, moving to the SEC makes no sense in terms of regional logistics. But if you were in their shoes, could you blame them for wanting to leave. Why??

For the last several months, ESPN has been pushing the Longhorn Network. And if you guessed that only the University of Texas benefits from this deal, you would be right. This would make one to believe that there would be a mass exodus from the Big 12. But only A&M has shown any passion about leaving. And if you don't know the rivalry between the Horns and Aggies, then you must be living under a rock or something. We'll have to see if the Big 12 can be salvaged or not in the coming weeks.

Having one Texas school going to an east coast conference is one thing. But two? This is too damn weird for me. I might need a Lone Star beer to give me a true feeling of the Texas I used to know. Hell, I might need a keg or two to get over this.

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