Monday, September 26, 2011

Hypathetical #2

I'd like to offer my apologies to UMass and South Alabama. I totally forgot to put them in my last post. Had I not got caught up in the excitement, I would've realized that there were two more members of the FBS. Plus I'm from Texas and all that was publicized were Texas State and UTSA.
To make it up to the Minutemen and Jaguar fans, I'll compose another super conference list that is absolutely ridiculous. And if anyone read my last post, just remember my wife is holding my manhood hostage because some crazy NCAA executive with a gun is power hungry and wants a monopoly. My imaginary wife is really hot and sweet and she wouldn't be doing this under any other circumstance. Then again this whole thing is my imagination, so here we go... AGAIN!!

()= Means current conference

Boston College
Buffalo (MAC)
Marshall (C-USA)
Penn State (Big 10)
Pitt (Big East)
Rutgers (Big East)
Syracuse (Big East)
Temple (MAC)
UConn (Big East)
UMass (CAA)
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest
West Virginia (Big East)

Explanation: Let's face it, the Big East is dead. The only two official schools leaving the Big East are Pitt and Syracuse. But why not take West Virginia and UConn just to make things more interesting. Add Marshall for a little West Virginia flavoring. Let's subtract NC State, North Carolina and Miami. And let's unite the Pennsylvania schools for a some more fun. We know that UMass will officially be joining the MAC next year. But as you'll see, I'm going to try to make the conferences more regional.

Arkansas (SEC)
Illinois (Big 10)
Iowa (Big 10)
Iowa State (Big 12)
Kansas (Big 12)
Kansas State (Big 12)
Minnesota (Big 10)
Missouri (Big 12)
Nebraska (Big 10)
Northern Illinois (MAC)
Northwestern (Big 10)
Oklahoma (Big 12)
Oklahoma State (Big 12)
Purdue (Big 10)
Wisconsin (Big 10)

Explanation: It's just un-American to remove Conference USA. Shouldn't they have some teams to brag about?

Ball State
Bowling Green
Central Michigan
Cincinnati (Big East)
Eastern Michigan
Indiana (Big 10)
Kent State
Miami OH
Michigan (Big 10)
Michigan State (Big 10)
Notre Dame (Independent)
Ohio State (Big 10)
Western Michigan

Explanation: What's the point of calling them "Big" conferences anyway? Besides a MAC is not big, it's large. So let's just drop the gimmick already

Mt. West/WAC
Arizona (PAC 12)
Arizona State (PAC 12)
Boise State (MWC)
Colorado (PAC 12)
Colorado State (MWC)
Idaho (WAC)
Nevada (WAC)
New Mexico (MWC)
New Mexico State (WAC)
Utah (PAC 12)
Utah State (WAC)
Wyoming (MWC)

Explanation: I just like the name MWAC and the fact that all the schools are in the same time zone is a huge bonus. Not that this conference has a shot in hell of being created.

PAC 12
Fresno State (WAC)
Hawaii (WAC)
Oregon State
San Diego State (MWC)
San Jose State (WAC)
Washington State

Explanation: Qualifications- Home State must touch the Pacific Ocean and have a minimum of 12 teams. Check and check.

Clemson (ACC)
Florida Atlantic (Sun Belt)
Florida International (Sun Belt)
Florida State (ACC)
Georgia Tech (ACC)
Miami (ACC)
North Carolina (ACC)
North Carolina State (ACC)
South Carolina
USF (Big East)

Explanation: The SEC wants to go to 14 teams. Just tryin' to help.

Baylor (Big 12)
Houston (C-USA)
Louisiana Tech (WAC)
North Texas (Sun Belt)
Rice (C-USA)
Texas (Big 12)
Texas A&M (Big 12)
Texas State (FCS Independent)
Texas Tech (Big 12)
Tulane (C-USA)
ULL (Sun Belt)
ULM (Sun Belt)
UTSA (FCS Independent)

Explanation: A) The rivalry between Texas and Louisiana is pretty intense. B) After the Big XII mess, it kinda makes me miss the old Southwest Conference. But we all know that TCU is going to the Big East. A&M is heading to the SEC. Texas State and UTSA are members of the WAC next year. And everyone is staying put. Oh well.

Sun Belt
Alabama (SEC)
Arkansas State
Auburn (SEC)
Kentucky (SEC)
Louisville (Big East)
Memphis (C-USA)
Middle Tennessee
Mississippi State (SEC)
Ole Miss (SEC)
South Alabama (FCS Independent)
Southern Miss (C-USA)
Tennessee (SEC)
Vanderbilt (SEC)
Western Kentucky

Explanation: It took some doing, but I finally got a new FBS school in the right conference. But it would make sense if all the teams relocated by region.

FBS Independents
Air Force (MWC)

Explanation: They fight our wars for us, should we drag these two into this petty conflict? I don't think so. They have better things to worry about than what bowl game they're going to. And just in case we have a Mormon that wins the presidency... let's just leave em alone. At any rate, God bless you all.

Relax sports fans, it's highly unlikely to happen. However, if it happens....well... DAMN I'M GOOD!!! I still don't seeing that coming to fruition anytime soon... thank God.

And you can follow both posts on Twitter.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NCAA Football 2012 in the Hypathetical

Yes folks, the pun is intended. It really is sad that the FBS is going in this direction, but who can do anything about it? If I were up to me, there might be some small changes, but these mega conferences would not happen. One of those changes would be to eliminate the term AQ conference. And the only way I would ever go with this idea would be if someone from the NCAA held my wife at gunpoint and told her to chop my balls off if I didn't comply. So put that evil blade down and get that gun away from her and I'll play along. So here we go.

Currently, there are 120 schools that play in the FBS. Six conferences(the ACC, Big East, Big 10, Big 12, PAC 12 and SEC) automatically qualify for a BCS bid. This means that Conference USA, the MAC, Mountain West, Sun Belt and WAC have to pull a miracle to get a shot for a national title. And let's not forget Notre Dame, Navy, Army and BYU are on their own this season.

Next season, there will be two new teams (Texas State and UTSA) that will be joining the FBS and the fact that many conferences will be realigning like crazy, it looks like drastic changes will be happening. Here's how the conferences would shape up next year... in a sad, pathetic way.

Boston College
Florida State
Georgia Tech
Miami (FL)
North Carolina
North Carolina State
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest

Explanation: Pitt and Syracuse are officially joining according to the events over this weekend. Of course they could add UConn and Rutgers later on, but who knows?

Big East/Big 12
Iowa State
Kansas State
Notre Dame

Explanation: The Big 12 will probably keep its namesake in this move. Notre Dame will be forced to join in as they are members of the Big East in everything else. West Virginia will most likely be the 14th team for the SEC. And if this new conference is wanting to tap into the Philly market, Temple would be a good start. Assuming Villanova decides to no to join in of course. Since the MAC is not a great source of exposure for them in football, plus Temple is not in the middle of America. TCU might come (Big East 2012), but that's too early to tell with the way everything is going.

Big 10
Michigan State
Ohio State
Penn State

Explanation: Looks like they're happy... for the moment.

East Carolina
Southern Miss

Explanation: In a world where everything is changing around them, Conference USA stays the same. And maybe when Hell freezes over, they could be an BCS automatic berth conference.

Ball State
Bowling Green
Central Michigan
Eastern Michigan
Kent State
Miami (OH)
Northern Illinois
Western Michigan

Explanation: Maybe I'm OCD or something, but having 12 teams makes sense. Or I just like things in even numbers. I'm still trying to figure why the hell I would say Temple is not considered Mid-American and Buffalo is. Go figure.

Mt. West/WAC
Air Force
Boise State
Colorado State
Fresno State
New Mexico
New Mexico State
San Diego State
San Jose State
Utah State

Explanation: This conference is as farfetched as "________". In all likelihood, this just ain't happening. But for fun, BYU's independent run is a one year deal. TCU stays put and part of the condition for them staying is to let Louisiana Tech go. As far as Texas State and UTSA is concerned, there is no WAC to join. It could be called the Mountain Western Athletic Conference or MWAC for short. If this actually happens, then imagination land is real.

PAC 16
Arizona State
Oklahoma State
Oregon State
Texas Tech
Washington State

Explanation: Just something I heard on the news. Will this actually happen?

Mississippi State
Ole Miss
South Carolina
Texas A&M
West Virginia

Explanation: It's just a rumor. This would be an interesting concept to see how this all works out for these two schools.

Sun Belt
Arkansas State
Louisiana Tech
Middle Tennessee
North Texas
Texas State
Western Kentucky

Explanation: I know it looks like another OCD fantasy, but it does make sense geographically.

FBS Independents

Explanation: They fight our wars for us, should we drag these two into this petty conflict? I don't think so. They have better things to worry about than what bowl game they're going to. God bless you all.

And you can follow both posts on Twitter.

There you have it. With everything going the way it is, who really knows why this happening. Some of this is rumored while others have been confirmed to be occurring next school year. But it's all fantasy until it really happens.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Texas: The New East Coast State

I know it's been a couple of months have passed since I last wrote. During that stretch, I've had nothing to say...REALLY!!! That is until now.

I could've said something about the NBA strike. But I've already had my say (sort of). Besides it's like beating a dead horse with a stick so often that PETA would be raising hell. Speaking of PETA, how about writing about Michael Vick. First of all, he did the crime and served his time... move on already!!! Second, Vick has not made the same mistakes since being released from prison 2 years ago. And third, yes I read the article about if Vick would've been white. I'll wait 'til the Super Bowl before I make some comment. At any rate, it's all old news that needs to quit being recycled.

But there has been something happening in Texas that is disturbing. Not one, but two Texas FBS schools are going to east coast conferences. That's right folks, we have TCU going to the Big East and Texas A&M on their way to the SEC (assuming the schools don't pursue litigation). It's really ironic that these two used to be members of the former Southwest Conference. Given the circumstances, it's really not a shock at all. In essence, TCU wants to be a school that automatically qualifies for a BCS bowl. The Aggies are not big fans of the Longhorn Network. Again, not a surprise at all. It's just flat out weird.

Growing up in Texas meant that you were tougher than someone from the east or west coast. Anyone can argue toughness, but I'm from Texas and believe me when I say this... it just is something that is burned in your memory. Not anymore people.

When TCU played in the Rose Bowl earlier this year, it was apparent that the BCS is rigged...AGAIN!!! Yes there were two other undefeated teams in Oregon and Auburn, but they played AQ conferences and go to play for the national championship. TCU is in the Mountain West and they are not an AQ conference. I'll get to that at a later time to say why the Horned Frogs were screwed out of a title. So going to the Big East next school year makes since to a degree.

The Big 12 had already lost 2 schools. Colorado went to the PAC-12, while Nebraska went to the Big Ten. Both of these moves made sense because of the geography. For Texas A&M, moving to the SEC makes no sense in terms of regional logistics. But if you were in their shoes, could you blame them for wanting to leave. Why??

For the last several months, ESPN has been pushing the Longhorn Network. And if you guessed that only the University of Texas benefits from this deal, you would be right. This would make one to believe that there would be a mass exodus from the Big 12. But only A&M has shown any passion about leaving. And if you don't know the rivalry between the Horns and Aggies, then you must be living under a rock or something. We'll have to see if the Big 12 can be salvaged or not in the coming weeks.

Having one Texas school going to an east coast conference is one thing. But two? This is too damn weird for me. I might need a Lone Star beer to give me a true feeling of the Texas I used to know. Hell, I might need a keg or two to get over this.