Sunday, June 26, 2011

North American Leagues Midterm Grades

Here is how bad or good each league with teams have done so far. I'M TALKING TO YOU GUYS!!!


I just had to be that guy and ask, "How could it be any worse?" Look at it this way, just when I thought Brett Favre would finally retire that the NFL can finally move on to the next issue. Sadly, ESPN's constant name placement of Favre, whether it was in praise or disgrace, will be missed. Why you might ask? Well...

Yes, I'm talking about the lockout. This whole debacle with the CBA has been going on for the last two years when the owners decided to opt out. But it finally came to a head when the new year began. The NFLPA and the team owners had ample time to find a solution that works for everyone. And now that the union has decertified and a lockout is now in effect, time will tell if the negotiations will actually work.

While the Green Bay Packers won their first Super Bowl in the post Brett Favre era, the fact that the eventual players strike was taking center stage pretty much ruined any hope for a passing grade at this point. Despite hearing positive news that the lockout could come to end in light of the players and the owners coming to an agreement. It's just speculation. And until it's official and the season can be saved, the F will stand.


The BCS is a beautiful disaster. The ranking system is a complete crapshoot, yet when the national title game comes around, you just got to see it. But we'll have to wait until I get to football to factor them into the equation.

We got to see the road to the Final Four go from 65 to 68. Virginia Commonwealth goes from the First Four to the Final Four. And we got to see Butler in the championship game once again. But the title game was just awful. With that they receive an 85.

Lacrosse has been scandalized at least a couple times if not more. At least this year, the sport made up for it this year, especially making a top 10 highlight (courtesy Maryland). That looks like a solid 95.

The World Series looks pretty good. The new TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha looks great. The only thing wrong this season was Arizona State making the postseason. If their appeal doesn't hold up...well, you know. Bonus points to the Cal donors. The Golden Bears may not have had a next year, but thanks to the donors, there should be plenty of more trips to Omaha to come. That comes to another 90 (includes the bonus points).

Hockey. Don't know much about it. I guess by default they get a 100.

But here comes the football programs. While I'm excited about the upcoming season, the scandals have just inflicted quite a bit of damage. Ohio State and their dirty laundry getting aired out. West Virginia and their little internal spy game. And did I forget to mention the BCS? That's a big zero.

The final tally 74.


Overall, it was great to be a fan of the NBA. Unless you're a Rockets fan. They maintain a winning record for the second straight season and still can't buy a trip to the postseason. Other than the Heat being the villains of everyone, Phil Jackson not getting his 3rd shot at a three-peat and Shaq retiring, this season has been great. Sounds like an easy A, doesn't it?

Just like the NFL, the NBA is having labor unrest. It may not be as extreme as the aforementioned, but with the CBA expiring in the next few days, who's to say it won't be. This is the second time a commissioner has been jeered on stage during the draft. If this lockout happens, it will be the second time under David Stern's watch that it has happened. Stay tuned.


I know a lot of people like to rip hockey, but it's a very entertaining sport. This year was no exception. Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals did very well in the ratings. Even with the usual suspensions, fines and other infractions that are part of the game on and off the ice. Not a bad year at all.

Lest we forget the riots that took place in Vancouver when the Boston Bruins beat the Canucks. Which hurts the NHL's image in that aspect. But here's where I give them the benefit of the doubt. A) The home team won every game, so it would make sense to be pissed off. B) It's happened before. Remember the 94 Finals against the Rangers in 7. C) It's been 18 years since a Canadian team has hoisted Lord Stanley. And D) The riots did have a warm and fuzzy moment or two.


So far, so good. As long as there is Ozzie Guillen or a David Ortiz instead of another Manny Ramirez, the game should do fine. Of course having Jack McKeon and Davey Johnson back in the managerial role just made this season quite interesting.

If only they could keep anyone associated with the Mitchell Report out of the news, they could've gotten an A+.


The only thing I could say is less is more. It's still a young league, so it's too early to tell if a scandal will shake this league to its core.
Despite the usual trash talking before and after a match, it's just another day at the office.

Playing for a tie would be considered un-American to most folks. I guess we should all have an open mind when it comes to difference.

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